오라클 ( rownum 지원 )
MySQL ( MySQL 8버전 이상 row_number() 지원 )
select b.* from (
select row_number() over (order by unq desc) as rn, a.* from (
select unq ,title, name, hits, DATE_FORMAT(rdate, '%Y-%m-%d')as rdate
from nboard
order by unq desc ) as a ) as b
where rn >=11 and rn <= 20;
<, > 사용 할 수 없기 때문에 밑에 처럼 의미 부여를 위해 CDATA 사용해야됨
<select id="boardDAO.selectNBoardList" resultClass="egovMap">
select b.* from (
select row_number() over (order by unq desc) as rn, a.* from (
select unq ,title, name, hits, DATE_FORMAT(rdate, '%Y-%m-%d')as rdate
from nboard
order by unq desc ) as a ) as b
where rn >=11 and rn <= 20
게시글 갯수를 알아야 되기 때문에 count(*) 필요
<select id="boardDAO.selectNBoardTotal" resultClass="java.lang.Integer">
select count(*) total from nboard
VO에 get, set 처리
private int viewPage = 1;
private int startIndex = 1;
private int endIndex = 10;
Controller 코드 안에 주석 확인 ( 계산식 중요 )
public String selectNBoardList(BoardVO vo, ModelMap model) throws Exception{
int total = boardService.selectNBoardTotal(vo);
// (double)12/10 -> ceil(1.2) -> Integer(2.0) -> 2
// ceil => 1.2, 1.1 이던 전부 2.0으로 변환
int totalPage = (int) Math.ceil((double)total / 10);
int viewPage = vo.getViewPage();
// 1-> 1,10 // 2-> 11,20 // 3-> 21,30
// 정상적이지 않는 경로로 들어왔을 때 viewpag = 1 설정
if(viewPage > totalPage || viewPage < 1) {
viewPage = 1;
int startIndex = (viewPage-1)* 10 + 1 ;
int endIndex = startIndex + (10-1);
// startIndex : (1-1)*10 + 1 -> 1
// startIndex : (2-1)*10 + 1 -> 11
// vo에 담기
List<?> list = boardService.selectNBoardList(vo);
System.out.println("list = " + list);
model.addAttribute("resultList", list);
model.addAttribute("total", total);
model.addAttribute("totalPage", totalPage);
return "board/boardList";
SQL WHERE startIndex, endIndex 확인
<select id="boardDAO.selectNBoardList" resultClass="egovMap">
select b.* from (
select row_number() over (order by unq desc) as rn, a.* from (
select unq ,title, name, hits, DATE_FORMAT(rdate, '%Y-%m-%d')as rdate
from nboard
order by unq desc ) as a ) as b
where rn >= #startIndex# and rn <= #endIndex#
JSP 페이지 번호 처리
<div style="width:600px; margin-top:5px; text-align:center;">
<c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="${totalPage }">
<a href="boardList.do?viewPage=${i }"> ${i }</a>
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